

JD:1380款式/Style :218 Jaime Boot 长靴颜色/Colour:黑色/Noir鞋面材料/Upper material:  小牛皮/calfskin底部材料/Bottom materials:真皮大底/Dermal outsole/橡胶大底/Robber outsole五金/Hardware:银扣/Sliver鞋跟/heel:5cm/不包括内底可定制码数/Customizable size:34-41,(不可定制半码,半码不设退换,34不设退换,41不设退换)You can’t customize half a size, half a size doesn’t have a return or exchange, 34 doesn’t have a return or exchange, and 41doesn’t have a return or exchange本店产品均全手工制作,制作周期大约需要15个工作日❤️Our products are all handmade, and the production cycle takes about 15 working days❤️ 8
JD:1380款式/Style :218 Jaime Boot 长靴颜色/Colour:黑色/Noir鞋面材料/Upper material:  小牛皮/calfskin底部材料/Bottom materials:真皮大底/Dermal outsole/橡胶大底/Robber outsole五金/Hardware:银扣/Sliver鞋跟/heel:5cm/不包括内底可定制码数/Customizable size:34-41,(不可定制半码,半码不设退换,34不设退换,41不设退换)You can’t customize half a size, half a size doesn’t have a return or exchange, 34 doesn’t have a return or exchange, and 41doesn’t have a return or exchange本店产品均全手工制作,制作周期大约需要15个工作日❤️Our products are all handmade, and the production cycle takes about 15 working days❤️ 8
JD:1380款式/Style :218 Jaime Boot 长靴颜色/Colour:黑色/Noir鞋面材料/Upper material:  小牛皮/calfskin底部材料/Bottom materials:真皮大底/Dermal outsole/橡胶大底/Robber outsole五金/Hardware:银扣/Sliver鞋跟/heel:5cm/不包括内底可定制码数/Customizable size:34-41,(不可定制半码,半码不设退换,34不设退换,41不设退换)You can’t customize half a size, half a size doesn’t have a return or exchange, 34 doesn’t have a return or exchange, and 41doesn’t have a return or exchange本店产品均全手工制作,制作周期大约需要15个工作日❤️Our products are all handmade, and the production cycle takes about 15 working days❤️ 8
Montblanc万宝龙 进口头层牛皮细纹牛皮高端男士金属针扣腰带!可双面使用,原包装盒。不含头皮身长约125cm,宽3.5cm,长度自由裁剪。 8
Moncle* 👑👑2024AW新款羽绒服 男女同款 帽子可拆卸 90%白鸭绒+10%羽毛 整体保暖效果拉满,常规羽绒服 休闲时尚,经典logo完美点缀  码数1-2-3-4-5【1码 后中长64 胸围124 下摆118 肩宽48.8 袖长66 袖口12】💰830 9
Montblanc万宝龙 进口头层牛皮细纹牛皮高端男士金属针扣腰带!可双面使用,原包装盒。不含头皮身长约125cm,宽3.5cm,长度自由裁剪。 8
Moncle* 👑👑2024AW新款羽绒服 男女同款 帽子可拆卸 90%白鸭绒+10%羽毛 整体保暖效果拉满,常规羽绒服 休闲时尚,经典logo完美点缀  码数1-2-3-4-5【1码 后中长64 胸围124 下摆118 肩宽48.8 袖长66 袖口12】💰830 9
无论什么时候穿出来,都毫无违和感,经典就是永恒! 6
𝗖𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗛𝗘 绞花针织山羊绒开衫各大品牌很少会出的黑色绞花针织开衫,精致的修身版型男女都可穿,时尚简约又很低调,保暖且舒适,个人感觉比灰色上身好看👑本人最爱穿的款式,实物厚实高级,这件过冬绝对没问题!它能让你们舒舒服服过个暖冬🌞 原料百分百山羊绒 😂必然原材料也巨贵,市场货的毛料都是以次充好,我们绝对真材实料哈,采用的是竖条绞花针法,插肩工艺,镌刻珍珠母贝纽扣,袖肘用的是麂皮绒,胸口小绣花,无论款式颜色到品质,高级的你穿高级的货。🐼尺码:S M L XL 💰950 9
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