

JD:1380款式/Style :218 Jaime Boot 长靴颜色/Colour:黑色/Noir鞋面材料/Upper material:  小牛皮/calfskin底部材料/Bottom materials:真皮大底/Dermal outsole/橡胶大底/Robber outsole五金/Hardware:银扣/Sliver鞋跟/heel:5cm/不包括内底可定制码数/Customizable size:34-41,(不可定制半码,半码不设退换,34不设退换,41不设退换)You can’t customize half a size, half a size doesn’t have a return or exchange, 34 doesn’t have a return or exchange, and 41doesn’t have a return or exchange本店产品均全手工制作,制作周期大约需要15个工作日❤️Our products are all handmade, and the production cycle takes about 15 working days❤️ 8
Goyard 对折卡包 钱包 5卡位 带零钱袋GOYARD 唯一一款带有零钱袋的卡包,內层有4个卡槽2个内夹1个大钞位还有可以放零钱,多卡位设计 可放置7张卡 多个颜色可以选择内里羊皮拼接牛皮 质感满满款号8518尺寸:11X2X12cm~00270 9
🎉🎉最新款Goyard barrel 40,运动旅行袋,可搭配MM尺寸肩带,三种佩戴方式 👍尺寸40CMX23CMX23CM款号8311👍00780 9
SL冲锋衣层云蓝视频细节实拍 1
蛇年冲锋衣细节补充 独家实拍! 9
蛇年细节视频实拍 1
#蛇年上身 6
蛇年防水视频 1
细节实拍 6
💰510.00ARC Niaojia Lambskin version! Top-quality Arcteryx × JIL SANDER jointly create a 3L GORE-TEX high-tech jacket, which cleverly combines unique simple design with fashionable loose tailoring. It offers superior durability, water resistance, wind resistance and breathability and is designed for downhill skiing activities.    The fabric is made of GOTX PRO, which is also the highest quality fabric. The whole piece of clothing is made of seamless three-layer laminated rubber lining cloth. The original version has the same rejoicing yarn texture and color, and all aspects are restored to the original position. It is cut out with the same color workmanship and integrated into the three-in-one fabric, which is waterproof, oil-proof and stain-proof. Anti-breathable 5000, restore the original zipper, all seamless zipper placket, resin zipper, nylon, all buttons, all molded with engraving, customized 10,000 pieces, all details restored 1:1 It took a month to customize the lambskin material of the hat. The embroidery pattern was modified many times. The thread color was individually dyed. The most important practical type is full of functions. Note: Do not wash the lamination process. Color: Extreme black/cypress green/white (OS loose fit) Size: mid-length sleeves and long cuffs at the back Bust St 74t 76.5 26.5 122 mt 76t 78.5 28.5 126 Lt 80 t 80.5 30.5 130 XLt 81t 82.5. 32.5 134 9
白色实拍 1
Hot-selling hot-selling special offer benefits top classic Air Force One pure white 10
Sneaker Defect Recognition Guide for Optimal Customer Service 4
Arc’teryx × JIL SANDER 3L GORE-TEX Ski Jacket – Premium Quality 9
黑色视频实拍 1
男款微廓形纯手工双面呢羊绒大衣关于款式及设计:如果羊毛呢料的长款大衣太挑“硬件”和“软件”,那么这一组改良短大衣就足够包容。一手长的版型,微廓形的剪裁,单这两项对身材和搭配就足够包容。精简的小翻领,时髦的落肩袖,直身的微廓形,整体偏极简,同时偏年轻。关于面料及工艺:(黑色,驼色 )采用90%进口澳毛,10%桑蚕丝。(米灰色,咖色) 采用30%羊绒,70%羊毛 经意大利进口设备特殊工艺加持,使得布面的质感相当优秀,蓬松饱和的立绒质感,面料轻盈柔软,细腻高级,成衣具有超强抗皱性。整件外套由老师傅一针一线纯手工缝制,匠心出品,采用暗走线来勾勒边缘及立体轮廓,保持成衣极简的同时又尽显工艺值,每一条走线与比例都经过精心安排。 8
特   不退不换码?Nigo宣告系列,秋冬季度最强的刷街“战衣”^_^经典棋盘格,引领时尚潮流第一☝️…满溢摩登派格调!限定款秋冬🆕“驴牌”Giant Damier 棋盘格牛仔连帽夹克羽绒外套 永不过气的时尚元素,体现品味和气质的魅力在于你自己.穿搭宽松造型已是必不可少的时尚风格!来自日本冈山的订织牛仔面料搭配Monogram与棋盘格元素,运用高科技定位化机械⚙️提花来演绎经典休闲设计.波浪线条连接将养眼的元素丝毫不差.着身更是如此美妙绝伦!进口欧标♻️白鹅绒运用直充绒技术的完美填充,轻盈保暖御寒能力提升到了最大限度.蓬松质感非常好.客供铜制凿刻型五金拉链完美之至,Logo字眼凹凸有致.由内而外的工整细致给余强大体验感,着身细节感随处可见如同行走于潮流时尚的百科全书…👫男女同款 颜色:水洗蓝 尺码:48=M 50=L 52=XL 54=XXL56=3XL 尺码数据👇48码:胸围104cm-肩宽43cm-衣长66cm-袖长61cm50码:胸围108cm-肩宽45cm-衣长67cm-袖长63cm52码:胸围112cm-肩宽47cm-衣长68cm-袖长65cm54码:胸围116cm-肩宽49cm-衣长69cm-袖长67cm 9
🔥🔥双十二特惠活动🔥🔥💰750🉐️ 【 法式帽型 Tote 】     尺寸: 27x23x14cm数量有限售完即止 ‼️活动款式均为新包,无包装。有可能存在微瑕疵的风险!不一定有瑕疵,也不保证没有瑕疵!宝宝们可以接受再下单!下单即默认规则/不退不换不包邮不售后!!! 1
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